Nou Càmping

(Català) Càmping amb encant i ambient familiar, punt de partida ideal per a conèixer les Valls d’Àneu i gaudir les activitats que ofereix: senderisme, BTT, esquí i esports d’aventura.

Ubicat just davant del Llac de la Torrassa i a tocar del Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici.

(Español) Lleida

Hiking routes for all the family

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  • Stay in camping grounds right in the countryside before entering the Alt Pirineu Natural Park with the whole family.
    Do not miss a tour-guided family route to the lake of La Gola, a high mountain glacial lake at 2,249m!
  • Additional information: 

    Accommodation option in a wooden bungalow, a tent or a caravan of your own.

  • Calendar: The guided activity takes place from 1 July to 31 August. The campsite is open all year except in November
  • Price: Please check
  • Price includes: Accommodation in tent or bungalow. Guided hiking to the lake of La Gola
  • Duration: Days on request. Guided hiking excursion: about 5 hours
  • Difficulty level: Low
  • Addressed to: ,
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